Thesaurus Herculanensium Voluminum (THV)

In 2008, on the initiative of Gianluca Del Mastro, the Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi (CISPE) began building a full-text database of Herculaneum papyri (Thesaurus Herculanensium Voluminum, THV) in collaboration with the Würzburg Centre for Studies on Epicureanism (WCE). Under the direction of Gianluca Del Mastro (CISPE) and Holger Essler (WCE), a total of 26 texts were entered and made available at (this address has since been reassigned and contains other material). From 2013 Holger Essler (WCE) coordinated the transfer of existing texts and the entry of new texts into the Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri (DCLP), which is now part of A maior contribution was made by Vincenzo Damiani during his employment for the Anagnosis project (WCE) directed by Essler. Today, THV is part of Essler's editio maior initiative and thus also including encodings from his teaching at Ca'Foscari University of Venice (VE). With 181 texts and 300 inventory numbers THV contains the maior Greek and most Latin papyri from Herculaneum in searchable form.
The texts were entered and revised on the basis of the latest complete edition. Later partial editions or new editions are listed in the bibliographical references. Where available, we added links to images of originals and apographs. There is also a list of other Epicurean material (viz. not from Herculaneum) on
The following list contains a complete overview of published texts from Herculaneum. Please note that many of the 90 texts not yet digitized are published as engravings only. Some might be fakes and in many cases titles are conjectural. Contributions, comments and corrections are very much appreciated. Please email Holger Essler.

Click here for restricting the research on to Herculaneum papyri.

Greek texts

Latin texts