INTEGRATION – INTEllectual miGRATION: circulation of philosophical books and ideas around the ancient Mediterranean through the evidence of Graeco-Roman papyri is collaborative project at the universities in Campania, Florence, Naples and Venice, lead by Valeria Piano (Florence). It aims at enriching our knowledge of Ancient Greek and Roman philosophical thought through the evidence provided by Greek and Latin papyri. So far, 2 texts have been encoded by the unit at Ca'Forscari (Venice).


  1. Plato: Laches 181a8-182a4 (P.Lond.Lit. 144), encoded by Maria Vittoria Curtolo, revision by Holger Essler.
  2. Plato: Laches 197a-201b (P.Oxy. 2 228), encoded by Maria Vittoria Curtolo, revision by Holger Essler.